A river is a beautiful and natural example of the power of structure and flow. In order for the water to produce change and drive growth of the many elements of nature that depend on it’s power, it must constantly be moving.
But without the structure of the banks, the rocks and the natural terrain on which the water moves, it would remain a stagnant pool, and eventually dry up from the power of the sun and wind.
The structure and the flow dynamics create the successful outcome.
But this ideal doesn’t just exist in nature as we experience it. Structure and flow dynamics are an essential part of the success of any human being’s journey in life.
Structures and traditions in life are anchor points that you can push off from, and land on, each time you take a risk, reach higher, try something new, or just get after it!
That being said, everyone needs differing amounts of “flux” or “flow” in their life so that they feel alive. The same thing day after day becomes mundane and empty, so injecting moments of opportunity, change, and adrenaline rush into your life can expose the possibilities, and overcome inertia.
Everyone has a different threshold for how challenging or off the hook such experiences need to be to keep life stimulating, that’s for you to expose, but exploring and experiencing is the key to knowing what works and what doesn’t.
Avoiding serves no purpose.
That said, you need a grounding point, a foundation from which to fly and these grounding points rest in the type of structures and traditions that you hold true and honour in your life regularly.
Perhaps its beginning the day with the newspaper, checking your social media, journaling, or waking up to a hot cup of coffee or a tea.
Or, maybe it’s finishing the day by counting your wins, a good stretch session, or a great conversation with your partner, these structures provide us with rest stops and points to ponder or simply be empty of thought.
These structures create points of embarkation for the next adventure you might choose.
Traditions like bringing the entire family together for Sunday dinner, booking a vacation in the same location each year on the same dates, talking on the phone once a week with distant loved ones, or gathering the clan for special holidays are strong anchors that keep the family and those you care about close and connected.
Its important to determine which structures and traditions in your life bring you a sense of foundation.
If the opportunity to sit for dinner with your partner and children (if you have them) allows you to feel better connected to them, then ensure that this part of your life remains steadfast.
If journaling on a daily basis creates clarity for you, then make this a sacred pastime. The better you understand your fundamental foundation for success, the more you will thrive when you know your foundation is solid.
However, when structures and traditions in your life are interrupted don’t panic. Realize that this too is part of life, there will be moments when our foundation elements must be re-patterned or revised, go with it, not against it.
Experience it, evaluate it, and see if there is anything that comes of your new day that perhaps might be incorporated in your program.
Experimentation creates reflection, learning and revision. That’s how we get better and better.
Whatever your traditions, identify them and honour them as they will provide you with the foundation from which to fly!