Do you struggle with this idea of knowing your purpose?
Like many, maybe the thought of it makes you frustrated because you can’t describe it, or name it?
Or maybe you’re like a precious few who just seem to “know”.
I guess the biggest issue either way is this sense that it is a thing……..a noun……this is my “Purpose”.
But purpose is not a noun, it’s a verb, it’s a way of being, doing, acting, exploring, creating, manifesting.
It’s not stationary, a destination, or a point of embarkation……it’s constant, evolving, and empowering.
It’s a compass that directs you, but not a map that confines you.
On the podcast I routinely share from a book I picked up many years ago now called “The Day You Were Born”. It’s written by a woman by the name of Linda Joyce. I’ve actually interviewed her in one of my early episodes.
Linda is an astrologer and despite what you might think of astrology, she’s made a career out of exploring it, and in this book she artfully integrates her astrology practice with the practice of numerology.
The reason I bought the book (I’ve told this story a bunch of times on the podcast, so if you’ve heard it you can skip the next few lines) was that when I started perusing the book at a store one day back in 2001, I flipped to the section on Sagatarius, and found Sag 3, (I am born on December 3rd, but it can also be the combination of 12, 21, or 30) and I started to read it.
Linda always starts with a description of your purpose. Then she includes just after the purpose description, a quote.
My favorite quote has always been, “Some men see things as they are and ask, Why? I dream things that never were, and say, Why not?” It was originally spoken by the author George Bernard Shaw, but Bobby Kennedy made it famous as his own.
I love the possibility of that quote. The purpose it infers.
And that was the quote she connected to Sag 3…….Wow!
I was floored, how could this be? I had that exact quote taped to the top of my desktop computer, what are the chances?!
So I re-read the purpose (which I had already been struck by).
“To use your courage, strength, and perseverance to go beyond the limitations of the thoughts and ideas of those in power, creating your own unique beliefs that challenge the old and uplift the spirits of those who meet you.”
Gives me chills just to write it again.
It’s been the way of me for as long as I can remember. I always see the possibility of change, how can it be done better, what is the opportunity? My father told me he thought I was like a turtle, slowly, steadily making my world (persevering).
I absolutely love how it expresses my purpose. Like I said at the beginning, it’s not a destination or a thing, it’s an abstract expression of being. How I deport myself, what I move towards, what I mean to create, it’s all about sharing my unique beliefs so that others can be inspired.
Linda then goes on to describe what it is to be and live this purpose, what it feels and looks like. She uses stories to explore each character. She even gets into what the personality expression might be if it is driven from ego or from spirit, and she aligns with characters of history (mine were Winston Churchill and Mark Twain).
I share these with the guests on the LYM podcast, and I have to say that 8 times out of 10 the person is literally dumbfounded. They can’t believe the synergy with their life and spirit.
Now I don’t for one moment believe this is the ultimate truth, it’s really just an expression of the human spirit and all that influences “who” we are and “who” we become.
But what I do love about it as a starting point is the essence of it’s meaning. It’s not a purpose, like some defined thing you are meant to do, become, or have. It’s a way of living your life.
How do you feel you should be carrying yourself? What means something to you? What do you care about? Who do you care about?
The more you explore the values you wish to expose, the way you wish to be interpreted, and the meaning of your work, how you wish to be remembered, the closer you will be to knowing your purpose.
Wishing you your greatest gift.