What on earth has happened to us?
I try to avoid doom scrolling, but every so often when bored or waiting in line, I’ll scroll through social channels and the infamous X (formerly Twittershpere) and find myself completely overwhelmed by who we’ve become.
First of all, everyone has an opinion, but so few know what they are talking about?!
With the emphatic delivery of someone who has all the information, people chime in on everything from the economy, the attempted assassinations, to the latest world news occurrence, or another school shooting.
I am dumbfounded by how many people feel they know exactly what happened, and as such, feel empowered to tell everyone else, and worse hurle at anyone who might disagree, some derogatory commentary.
Derogatory is a nice word for some of the vitriol that gets spewed out at other people in the same thread of so-called conversation.
To call it a conversation is to do it an injustice as there is no conversing, just virtual screaming.
The word conspiracy has become a “thing”. No longer reserved for the unexplainable, or that which we find truly head-scratching. Conspiracy has become the norm. It’s what people expect. It’s what they believe is the reality.
That’s scary!!
Is there corruption?
You bet there is, how can there not be with such a loss of our moral compass?
But at the same time, for us to begin to believe there is no truth in that which we find controversial, or against our own desired approach creates a fracture in the foundation of society.
There is no society without law, order, and truth. If we can’t believe in anything, there is no anchor, no safe haven.
Then we see what people are doing to create and keep power. It’s always been there, but now it just seems incredibly pervasive.
Humanities pull toward organized religion thousands of years ago was to counter point this insane human character flaw. Our propensity to fall. To slowly slip towards the animal inside us, instead of the human we aspire to rise toward.
But, organized religion has often failed us. Within it finds another approach to power and control, and eventually the best of what it represents can be tarnished by the worst of who we are.
Our moral compass is not a given. It’s something we must gravitate toward, check ourselves on, and hold ourselves accountable.
It’s not a given.
“Success is when our behaviors match our values.” Integrity.
Let’s all get back to the business of holding ourselves accountable.
Resist becoming a part of the narrative, seek to be someone with moral character that inspires.