Do you wake up each day inspired?
Just a question. Per last week’s blog, I have no judgment here, I am just curious.
Should we wake up in that state of mind each day, or at least most days?
Maybe we need to get our first dose of coffee into us to feel it, but after you’ve woken up, how do you feel about your day?
The reason I ask this is that we keep having this circular conversation about happiness, what it means to be happy, and how we should strive to be happy. But I for one, don’t believe that is a real aspiration.
I think there are too many factors affecting each day that can render a shift in our immediate state of mind. Being happy, at its best, is always going to be a moving target.
You can’t control or constrain happiness, it’s an outcome of your mindset, your circumstances, and how you react or cope with those circumstances.
But the concept of inspiration is an aspirational pursuit. It’s like the dimmer switch on the wall of a room light. You can turn it up or down as the day goes, but the light is always there. It’s the light that draws you in, just like a porch light attracts moths in on a hot summer night.
Inspiration is the thing that attracts you toward your work, play, activity, connection, and communication. It’s the thing that sets your table each day and pushes you when you don’t even know it’s there.
It gets you past the days when things just aren’t going well, or things aren’t right. It’s what you look towards to remind you about why you do what you do.
My inspiration is the idea that I can create change, challenge convention, and stimulate thought through my actions, and example. I am inspired to inspire others.
When I asked you if you wake up inspired, I didn’t mean, do you wake up to the sounds of a choir and an aura of light?
What I meant was, do you wake up with a sense of direction? Do you feel drawn to explore your day, or do you feel resigned to face your day?
What is it you want others to feel when you are around them?
What is it you wish to bring to the party so to speak?
The essence of how you wish to contribute to others, how you want to impact those you meet and interact with each day is the essence of your own inspiration.
If you’ve never contemplated this question, I offer it for your consideration.
If you have contemplated it, and you do know what inspires you, are you allowing it to inspire you each day, or only sparingly? Are you constraining your inspiration, or exploring it each day?
If you know it, and you feel it each day when you wake up, then keep sharing it with the world. You are leaving your mark.