Have you done everything you thought you were supposed to do, and still don’t feel good about where you are?
Did you get the degree, accreditations, and licenses, build the career, get the job you thought you wanted, and still feel empty or lost?
Or, maybe you feel good about where you are, but everything around you isn’t right, your relationships, your health, and your energy, are all out of sync.
And, If you’re like many people today, you might feel alone in that struggle.
It can be hard to honestly reflect on your fears and obstacles with the people you serve or love. Life can be a lonely place.
It’s hard to be vulnerable. No cracks can be seen, it’s a weakness, right?
And if you’re like many others you are likely trying to create change or live a better life, but you just don’t know where to start or how to progress.
You’re doing great work, but you’re not doing great yourself?
Everyone has those moments of imposter syndrome when you feel out of your league or over your head.
Maybe having someone to reflect with about your ideas would be just what you need?
Or someone who can provide an external perspective who won’t judge you, but can give you some insight or even accountability?
Someone who can provide the building blocks to make real change and real progress in your world.
The LYM Life Lab is About Real Mentorship
The LYM Life Lab is a 12-week program designed to help you learn to make better decisions, create your change, and live a life of fulfillment and joy through connecting, reflecting, and realizing with a mentor and within a like-minded community.
It’s not about living the “Perfect Life”, it’s about living a better life. You design, craft, explore, and experience within a safe place of objective perspective and honesty but without judgment.
What qualifies me to be helping you?
The short story is, I’ve been right where you are, I’ve been an employee, solopreneur, entrepreneur, manager, coach, leader, teacher, and mentor, and I’m on my third marriage!
I’ve made my share of mistakes, and I’ve been right where you are, deep in the weeds, and not taking time for myself and my health, well-being, and growth. If you want to know more, just click here and read a little more about what I’ve been up to until now.
The bottom line is that I’ve traveled a lot of miles and learned a lot about what not to do, but in the journey, I’ve come to realize how to do it better, so I can be my best self, and I want to share it with you.
This isn’t a program for everyone, but if you want to craft your life, I’m here to guide you on this journey, and I can’t wait to be there with you to support your growth.
If you want to know more about what you’ll experience, keep reading 😉
“The LYM Life Lab and community has been a game changer for me. Knowing that those involved are part of the high-performance world, makes the space feel safe and very insightful. We work together to evolve our abilities to navigate the challenges of this world with a greater sense of purpose and joy. The LYM Life Lab has helped me enhance my career and family life and I have a greater satisfaction with the work I do.
Stephane Gregory, Lead Therapist of the Chinese National Olympic Weightlifting Team

An intimate online “Team” environment for growth and exploration
Opportunity to vet ideas and think out loud
You’ll be creating your vision, and your values, and crafting your journey
Mindset education is a big part
Weekly meetings will keep you accountable
You’ll learn a tone of personal performance skills and decide which ones serve you
You gain the insights of not just me, but an entire group of people challenged by many of the same issues as you, and sometimes ones you’ve never seen
And you can expect real and supportive feedback from me 😉
How You Will Change
- Better understand yourself and what you value and wish to create
- Know you are not alone, and that you can depend on yourself to find your path
- Have better personal and professional relationships
- Have more time and space for you and what is important to you
- Find a sense of peace in what you are accomplishing
- Craft the life you deserve
This is not a program for everyone. This is a program for people who want to craft their lives, powerful tools to make this happen, and the insight of an external party to provide perspective and a place to reflect.
Accountability for what you want will be a part of this process, for without it, time can pass and no change will occur.
“The LYM Life Lab has been an incredible experience for me. The lab is an eclectic group of high-performing people and under Scott’s leadership, it has been a life-changing experience. We have worked on not only creating intention within our lives but within the group, there is such a vast array of experiences that help guide our weekly discussions.
I would recommend the LYM Lab to any individual who wants to create a life worth living and who wants to drive the bus on their decisions and the outcome of their life. I have found our weekly discussions incredibly valuable in creating a work-life balance and intentionality in my career decision-making. For this, I’m very grateful for the LYM Lab and the members of my cohort.”
Paul Valukas, Lead Strength and Conditioning Coach, Wisconsin Badgers Hockey
Everyone in the program will meet together once a week for an hour on the Zoom platform. These “team” sessions will serve many purposes and no one meeting will be the same, and all meetings will be recorded and shared with the group.
- Some sessions will be purely about teaching skills and providing tools and ideas for crafting your life.
- In some sessions, we will be tapping into the group experience.
- Some sessions will be about you sharing, sharing what you’re doing, what your fears might be, what’s working, what’s not working, and just basically being open and honest about your life so you can learn through your expression..
- All sessions will be recorded and kept for posterity or future reference in a private Facebook group where only you and the group can review.
There will be a series of tutorials on all kinds of skills, strategies, tools, and techniques for crafting your best life. They will be available on the program education platform and you’ll have access to them 24/7.
“LYM Life Lab came into my life at the perfect time. Working in elite sport for 15+ years, PhD under my belt, a long list of top athletes that had the honor of supporting, an incredible family unit, etc., but I was burnt out beyond what felt like repair. Yet, I was still striving for something that I couldn’t quite define.
Being self-motivated I thought I could figure things out on my own. I tried counselors, mentors, and countless books and podcasts about success, greatness, purpose, goals, leadership, etc. but none of these pathways quite understood the elite sports practitioner world and mind.
Scott has matchless insights into elite sport and the psyche of practitioners in this world. His ability to facilitate growth, discover purpose, and overcome fears is a true gift. I am grateful he has been able to use this gift to guide me to live my best life.”
Dana Lis, Elite Sports Dietician and Consultant to the Golden State Warriors
How Does It Roll Out
The structured program is 12 weeks long. You will follow through a series of learning labs online, and all of this information will be discussed and reviewed in your one-hour weekly Zoom Lab.
After 12 weeks there is a LYM Mentorship Group that meets right after your meeting, and you are encouraged to become a monthly member of this program. The LYM Mentorship meets 2x’s monthly on the hour right after your meeting, so it’s a relatively easy shift in your schedule to get regular support and mentorship in your ongoing growth and development.
How to Enroll?
If you want to be a part of this amazing team and individual experience where you learn to explore yourself, learn from others, and feel supported, guided, and heard, then your next step is to register below.
“LYM Life Lab is a safe space with an amazing group of people. This program has helped me explore my depths as a person and a professional and grab the steering wheel of my life. Each step of the program has built off the last with clear progression. Scott has a gift for connecting people and asking the right questions to facilitate thought, appropriate challenge, and growth. I look forward to our meetings every week!
Justin Hyland, S+C Coach – Bellville Senators Hockey Club
Life Experiments – What You Will Learn
- Time Audit
- Energy Audit
- Habits that serve
- Habits that don’t serve
- Brown Zone - Green/Yellow/Red Zone Life
Inspiration Statements
- Four Quadrants - Relationships-Connections/Spirit-Soul/Health-Wellbeing/Craft-Investment
- Inspirations Statements
- Scoring Progress - Objective measures
- Last year’s accomplishments?
- WLAI’s (Wind, Loses, Aha Moments, Intentions)
- 10 Forms of Wealth Document
- Three changes if you knew you wouldn’t fail?
- Single Thing You MUST do?
- Gratitudes
- Mindset fundamentals - Mindset Matters Most
- Stories
- Fixed vs Dynamic Mindset
- What’s holding you back, what’s in the way?
- What needs to go?
- Ego Roles
- Object vs Self Referral
- Pillars (Setting Intentions, Counting Wins, Learning Your Language, Imagining the Possibilities)
- Minding the Gap
- Past, Present, Future Dynamics
- Purpose - Big P - Little P
- Vision, Values, Critical Success Factors, Behaviours
- SWOT Analysis - Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats
- Unique Abilities
- What makes your heart sing?
- Passions/Obsessions
- Your Story - Avatar Statement
- Key Words - Mantra/Theme
- Your Superhero Costume
- Connector - Sales/Relationships - Maven
- Employee - Solopreneur - Entrepreneur - Investor Mindsets
- Niche Work
- 90 Day Intentions
- Quarterly Planning
- Life Map
- Annual Planning - Green Craft/Red GSD/Blue Sky/Mellow Yellow
- Moonshot Idea
- BHAG’s (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)
- Social Media
- Blogging/Vlogging
- Lives
- The Five Love Languages
- Your Unique Abilities vs Your Partners
- What You Need vs. What You Want
- Counterpoint Obsession
- High-Quality Books
- Learning - Professional and Personal Development
- Specialization vs Generalization
- Internal reflection Qs for anytime consideration
“The LYM Life Lab Group is an absolute game changer! Scotty has developed a group atmosphere where there is no judgment, your voice will be heard and feedback will be thoughtful and honest. From practical tips, like how to design the right schedule for YOUR life, to deep introspective exercises that have forced me to learn about who I am and who I present to others, it has been and will continue to be a powerful tool in becoming the best version of myself. ”
Patrick Murphy, Lead Strength and Conditioning Coach, Jacksonville Icemen
The LYMN Life Lab
Tuition – $325.00 Per Month or One Time Fee of CAD 875.00 + Tx
- Weekly Group Zoom Meeting (Recorded)
- Online Learning Modules - Lifetime Access
- A 30 minute ignition meeting, and a second 30 min meeting at the 12 Week Mark
- Facebook Community Group
The LYM Mentorship (after 12 Weeks)
Membership – $175 per month ongoing
- Two Monthly Zoom Meetings - Second and Fourth Tuesday every month (Recorded)
- Supplemental material and programming
- Facebook Community Group